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Due Diligence Process - Checklist, For Any Business

Due Diligence Checklist:

1. Evaluate The Total Market Share of The Industry:

You must evaluate the total market share of the industry because it shows the maximum profitability of your business. For example: A region has 100 people. They need 100 Kg bread every month. The price of 100 Kg bread is $10000. So, no matter how many business exist; their total revenue will not cross $10000.

2. Evaluate The Future Potential of The Industry

A region has 100 people but there will not be always 100 people. It may increase or decrease. If the population increase, this means more people will need bread. So, the total market share may increase in future.

3. Evaluate The Business Process of The Company

Check how the business you are going to acquire runs. If there is any flaw in the business process, can you make it correct? If the answer is yes, you can acquire the company. 

4. Evaluate The Quality of The Materials of The Company:

If the company has quality materials, it will be easy to operate. But if you see that the materials are of old model, you have to change it. So, you will need to spend extra money for the modernization of the company. You should set the value considering this.

5. Evaluate The Quality of The Manpower of The Company

If the company has sufficient excel manpower, you won't need to spend extra money to train them up. You will need to train the inefficient manpower to reduce material wastage.

6. Check the Financial Statements Carefully: 

Most fraud company manipulate their financial statements. You need to check them carefully to find out any inconsistency. Specially in the income statement.

7. Check The Company's Share Price History:

If you want to buy a company share not taking the ownership, you should check the company's share price history. You should not buy the share of a company with a volatile share price. It represents the manipulation of the top level managers.

8. Learn about the shareholders:

If you want to buy shares of a company in 3rd world country where no regulation is strongly implemented, you must know who are the share holders. They take critical decision. You must be sure that they don't choose to buy or sell because of market hype. The board of director must own 30 to 40% of the company share as it means they will be subject to any manipulation first and must not have more than 45% share so that they don't control the company all by themselves.  

9. Check The Loan and Asset Ratio:

If the loan amount is more than asset, this means the company is bankrupt. If the materials are good and you have enough money to bear the loan and the acquisition will lower the competition, you can acquire the company otherwise not.

10. Future Threats :

Once there was a time for 3rd generation computer. Now it is time for 5th or 6th generation computer. It is a good idea to acquire a company which will produce 7th generation computer. Because now may be sixth generation computer is used worldwide but there will be a time when sixth generation computer will not be useful. So, we should always consider future threats mostly the shift of technology.

11. Examine Long-Term and Short Term Risk:

You should examine short and long term risks. If a product of the company you want to acquire fails, try to understand the impact of the share on the market.

12. Ask Why are They Selling The Company?

If they don't have a good answer then this means the company is about to fail. So, take the decision carefully. Most of the time the rising company sell their business because they think they have found another business.

13. Can You Easily enter and leave the market:

If you can easily enter and leave the market, this means you have many buyers to buy this company. By evaluating all sides take your decision.

14. Region where the business is operated:

You need to know where the business is operated for evaluating the full potential.

15. You should have these information in multiple sheets: (You will evaluate from the information presented here)

1. Regulatory Papers ( Authorized by Government Institutions)
2. List of Software the company use 
3. List of outsourced professional
4. Publicity of the company
5. Police Report about the company
6. Product and Services
7. Customer Information
8. Tax Information
9. License and Permit
10. Financial Statement Summery
11. Environmental Certificate
12. Paper of Real Estate
13. Paper of Intellectual Properties
14. Employee Facility:
15. Company Image

This is all for today. Thank you. 


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