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Gerund, Participle, Infinitive and Past Participle Form of Verb

We all struggle too hard to remember these names but we really don't need to know any of them. We can't apply them. All we need to know is the real application of three form of verbs. V1+ing, Ved and To+verb. We need to know the situation (That changes the meaning), senses (That express the purpose and the person who do the work) of these verbs.
What we are going to learn after reading this article:
  1. What are the senses of these three forms?
  2. Difference between Ving and To+verb.
  3. About Bare Infinitive or infinitive without to.

What are the senses of these three forms? 

We use V1+ing and to+verb to express the active sense of verb or we can say that this form is used when the subject does his own job all by himself. To+verb is used also when we express any intention. Ved is used when subject get things done by others or we can say that when we express passive sense of verb we use this form. So, there are three senses:
  1. active (both ving and to+verb)
  2. Intention (Only to+verb)
  3. Passive (Only Ved

Difference between Ving and To+verb:

There can be change of meaning if we use both of them for same situation. Both of them can be used for active sense. I would like to give two example first.
  1.  I watched the house burn. ( It (watch) is a bare infinitive and I will talk about this in this article later). The situation is that I watched the house burn completely and saw till the end of the incident.
  2. I watched the house burning. The situation is that I watched the house burn and left the place without seeing the end of the incident or in the middle of the incident.
I hope you have understood the general situation of these two forms. There are some verbs after which either only Ving or only To+verb will be used. They are:

Only Ving (Ing Form of Verbs or Both Gerund and Participle):

Admit, complete, deny, finish, mind, worth, subjunctive verbs (I will discuss in this article), avoid, delay, enjoy, appreciate, consider, discuss, practice, risk, keep on, quit, stop (ex: stop writing), mention, recall, tolerate, postpone, understand, miss, begin, acknowledge, omit, prevent, resume, escape, imagine, resist, endure, pardon, start (ex: start writing), resent, involve etc.

Only To+Verb (Infinitive form): 

Agree, care, hesitate, refuse, appear, help, mean (intention), arrange, offer, threaten, consent, forget, plan, resolve, start (ex: start the work to help the poor), stop (ex: Stop the car to look at the door).

What is bare infinitive?

When we see, hear, feel notice and dare to do something, make something, let someone do something we can either use infinitive without to or Ving depending on the situation as mentioned before.
For example:
  1. He made me do the work.
  2. He let me talk.
  3. I saw him eat the burger.
These are used in active sentences but what will be used in passive sentences. 
Examples: (Passive)
  1. I was made to do the work.
  2. I was allowed to talk by him. ( From Above 2nd example)
  3. He was seen to eat the burger by me. ( See is the finite verb here and eat is the non-finite verb. So,the verb we will work with is see. In passive voice eat is the infinitive without to. In passive voice to always come before infinitive without to or To+verb). Click This Link to Visit my Article Finite vs Non-Finite Verb.

Subjunctive verbs:

Subjunctive verb is a big topic that needs to be covered in a complete article. I will write that article very soon.

About Ved:

This form is used only when we want to express passive sense or a situation occurred in past. 
For Example: 
Azad awarded best writer of the country prize in 1971 is a strong man. Azad was awarded with best writer prize. Azad did not award this prize to anyone. This is the passive sense.
Another Example:
World Cup held in 2018 was one of the best world cup in the history. This situation occurred in past.  



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