[Repo Rate Meaning, Bank Rate, OMO, Reserves, CRR, SLR] Banks Rate or Repo Rate is: It is the rate at which the central bank gives credit to the commercial banks. Increase in bank rate increases the interest rate and demand for credit reduction. When the credit is given in the form of gvt securities the rate is called repo rate. When the central bank increases bank rate or repo rate, commercial banks also have to increase interest rate. This will slow down the money flow. When the central bank decreases bank rate, commercial bank also can reduce the rate. This will increase money flow in the financial market. What is OMO (Open Market Operation): It affects the quantity of money in circulation by buying or selling government securities. When it buys Government securities which is owned by private sector or individuals, it floods financial markets with money. This technique tend to fail when the money isn't growing. The central bank sells Government securities to
his article is written by an expert Product & Marketing Executive. He hopes that this article will be helpful for others. This article reflects his own view and expertise on Pricing Strategies In Rural Marketing. What This Article Will Cover? This article will cover how the business should price the rural market. The subpoints are: Factors To Consider Pricing Methods Factors To Consider: Regarding Trade Market: Pricing strategies play a pivotal role in determining the success of a product or service in the market. Several factors come into play when establishing an effective pricing model, each influencing the overall competitiveness and profitability of a business. One critical factor to consider is the optimum serving frequency, which refers to how frequently sales representatives should engage with retailers. This factor is influenced by the nature of the product, market demand, and the need for consistent communication. Striking the right balance ensures that retailers are ade